Monday, February 8, 2010

Poetry and Lesson Plans

I jump at the startling, yet satisfying, smash as the glass hits the floor.
Glass bits hit the tile with a musical quality,
Tinkling like rain in our kitchen.

It was a wedding gift,
Full of promise - new and perfect when we opened it.

That day the glass I took down from the cabinet
Was chipped and etched,
Worn down by daily use.

Finally, it was flung into pieces,
Set free from the mold it was pressed into.

Students will use a poem as a mentor text and imitate the style to create their own work of poetry.

1. Read "This Is Just to Say" by William Carlos Williams
2. Make a special note of the length of the lines and other stylistic features of the poem
3. Brainstorm things you have done that you weren't really sorry for
4. Write a poem about that instance, imitating Williams' style
5. Be sure you finish the poem with the reason why you're not really sorry
6. Proofread your poem for fluency and any errors
7. Be prepared to share you poem with classmatesThis is Just to Say
-William Carlos Williams

I have eatenthe plumsthat were inthe iceboxand whichyou were probablysavingfor breakfastForgive methey were deliciousso sweetand so cold

Students will write a five line poem describing an emotion using figurative language.

1. Think of an emotion that you have experienced and feel strongly about
2. Now write a five line poem using the format below:

The first line of the poem involves an emotion: sadness, anger, confusion, hurt.
For Example - I was hurt when my mother forgot my birthday
Or - The anger rose inside me, making my hands ball into fists
The second line describes the emotion as a color.
For example - My anger was red as a stop sign
Or - Happiness as pink as a puppy's tongue
The third line starts with "It happens when . . .."
For example - Anger happens when I'm told to get up in the morning
Or - Confusion happens when I have a test but don't do my homework
The fourth line begins with "It sounds like . . .."
For example - Sadness sounds like a kitten left out in the rain
The last line of the poem repeats the original emotion.

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